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Sunday, March 27, 2011

Dedicated Server Web Hosting - Information

Dedicated Server Web Hosting 

Software companies need infrastructure to start their business. Previously companies used to purchase their own servers and host their applications on it. These servers were managed and run by the company itself. Usually these operations were not part of their core operations and also they used to consume lots of resources. Later, software companies that cannot manage the hardware infrastructure outsourced their operations to a third party. Internet hosting companies give their servers on rent to such companies. Sometimes companies that have invested too much in hardware and have lots of free space on their servers also started to rent it.

The servers are given to companies on basis of their requirements. The servers are either shared or dedicated. The dedicated servers are leased only to one company and are not shared with any other company. Companies seek dedicated servers for various reasons like security, reliability and dedicated resource for applications. The Dedicated Servers can be customized according to requirements of company from time to time. Due to technological advancements, servers can be managed and operated from a remote location. The servers are usually located in Server farms where many other servers are located. These server farms are located in highly secure locations with special power backup and disaster management operations.

You can choose Dedicated Server Host primarily in two formats managed and unmanaged. In Unmanaged hosting format the service provider provides only hardware, server, operating systems, power back-ups and dedicated net connection. In Managed format hosting company manages all the infrastructure along with hardware.

Due to high competition and stress on resource optimization more and more companies now opt to outsource their non-core hosting operations to Dedicated Server hosting firms.  It becomes a necessity when company starts scaling up its operations and needs to host more complex applications on the server.  

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