Rajasthan Ayurved University, Jodhpur
PAT/PHT/PUT/BYNS Joint Entrance Test – 2011
Applications are invited for admission to the Ayurved/Homoeopathic/Unani/BYNS graduation courses being run by the State/Private Colleges in the Rajasthan State. The admissions will be made through Joint Entrance Test, 2011 which is Scheduled to be held on Wednesday, the 29th June, 2011.
Admissions for Ayurved course being run by the National Institute of Ayurveda, Jaipur and for the Homoeopathic, Unani & Naturopathy Faculties will be made through Joint Entrance Test conducted at the National Level, for which the residents of all the States in India can apply for admissions. For admission to all the remaining Ayurved Colleges, bonafide Residents of Rajasthan only may apply for the Joint Entrance Examination.
Note: Admission in Ayurveda, Homoeopathy & Unani Colleges are subject to permission of Ayush Dept. Govt. of India & renewal of affiliation by RAU. For BYNS admission shall be given after affiliation by Rajasthan Ayurved University, Jodhpur.
Eligibility & Conditions are available on website
Reservation :
Reservation – Reservations will be allowed as per Govt. of Rajasthan Rules.
Availability of Forms:
Application forms downloaded from our website www. raujodhpur. org can be deposited by enclosing a Demand Draft of Rs. 1500/- (For the General & OBC candidates) and of Rs. 750/- (For the SC/ST candidates). The DD must be drawn in the name of “Registrar, Rajasthan Ayurved University, Jodhpur, payable at Jodhpur otherwise the form is liable to be rejected.
Last Date:
The application form completed in all respects must reach in the office of the Registrar, Rajasthan Ayurved University, Jodhpur latest by 5.00 pm on 17th May, 2011, Tuesday through Speed/Registered Post or in person.. The applications received after the due date and time or incomplete forms will not be considered and are liable to be rejected.
details here: http://www.raujodhpur.org/admission.php
Rajasthan Ayurved University, Jodhpur is the first Ayurved University of Rajasthan and is the second University of its kind in India. This university was established on 24th May, 2003.
This university affiliates about 42 colleges/institutions of Ayurved, Unani, Homeopathy. This university is conducting the admission to its degree courses through Joint Entrance Test at National level/ State level.
The university's constituent colleges are Ayurved college, DAN & P training center and Herbal farming center. The campus is located at Kadwad, Jodhpur on Jodhpur-Nagaur Highway on over 322 acres (1.30 km2).
Tags: Rajasthan Ayurved University, Jodhpur PAT/PHT/PUT/BYNS Joint Entrance Test – 2011 entrancee xam entrance examination entrance test dates forms application form download aadmission date admission form download eligibility criteria selection process procedure PAT PHT PUT BYNS Joint Entrance Test 2011
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