(A Govt. of India Enterprises), Jharkhand, Ranchi-834004
Advertisement No-RT/ 02/2011
1) Principal
Total Number of posts: 01
Essential Qualification and Post
Qualification Experience.
M. Sc. Nursing with minimum 3 (Three) years of Teaching Experience OR B. Sc. Nursing (Basic/Post Basic) with minimum 5 (Five) years of Teaching Experience.
2) Tutor
Total Number of posts: 03
Essential Qualification and Post
Qualification Experience.
M. Sc. OR B. Sc. Nursing (Basic/Post Basic) OR Diploma in Nursing Education and Administration OR its equivalent with 2 (Two) years of professional experience after graduation.
Note: Candidates not fulfilling the requirement specified in this advertisement need not apply.
Above mentioned no. of post are tentative and may vary subject to requirement.
Maximum Age Limit : 35 years as on 30/04/2011. Age - relaxation by 5 (Five) years for SC / ST and 3 (Three) years for OBC candidates and 10 (ten) years for physically challenged persons. In case of Ex- servicemen who have put in not less than six months continuous service in the armed forces of the union can also apply & shall be allowed to deduct the period of such service from their actual age, and if the resultant age does not exceed by more than 3 years the maximum age limit as prescribed above, he/she shall be deemed to satisfy the conditions regarding the age limit.
Remuneration: Principal, in Pay-Scale: Rs.6000-160-6320-180-9200/-
Tutor in Pay- Scale: Rs. 4540-104-5268-110-7028/-
Besides the Basic they shall also be entitled to benefits like DA, DP, EPF, Employees’ Pension, Group Insurance, accommodation or HRA, conveyance reimbursement and medical benefit for self and dependents as per the rules of the Corporation. At the present rate, these work out to Rs.18,800/- per month approximately for Principal post and Rs. 14000/- per month approximately for Tutor.
How to Apply: Eligible candidates fulfilling the above criteria should type details in the prescribed format as given below and get the print out and forward the same after affixing their passport size photograph dully attested by a Gazetted Officer and put their signature at the space provided.
Candidate is required to send the prescribed application form complete in all form along with the following documents latest by 30/04/2011 in a sealed envelop mentioning “post applied for” to: “Senior Manager (P)/Recruitment/HQ, Administration & Personnel Division, Heavy Engineering Corporation Ltd., Plant Plaza Road, Dhurwa, Ranchi-834004, Jharkhand”.
1) Demand draft of Rs.250/-wherever applicable. Post applied for, name, and
category should be written at the back of DD.
2) Photocopies of all testimonials, mark-sheets from matriculation onwards.
3) Proof of age (As in Board or equivalent certificate).
4) Caste certificate for SC/ST/OBC (Non Creamy Layer only) or certificate for Persons with Disabilities on Govt. approved format. This is required to allow them relaxation/reservation.
5) No Objection Certificate if employed in Govt./Semi Govt/PSU.
Please visit the website for latest updates in this regard from time to time.
details here:
About Heavy Engineering Corporation Ltd
HEC was established in the year 1958 as one of the largest Integrated Engineering Complex in India. It manufactures and supplies capital equipments & machineries and renders project execution required for core sector industries. It has complete manufacturing set up starting from casting & forging, fabrication, machining, assembly and testing - all at one location backed by a strong design - engineering and technology team.
The Plant has a fenced area of 5,70,000 sq.m and a floor area of nearly 2,00,000 sq.m. It is well equipped with sophisticated machine tools and handling equipments to undertake manufacture of heavy machinery and equipment of top quality. It is engaged in design and manufacture of equipments and components for Steel Plant, Mining, Mineral Processing, Crushers, Material Handling, Cranes, Power, Cement, Aluminium, Space Research, Nuclear Power etc..
Tags: Heavy Engineering Corporation Limited HEC Recruitment 2011 notification 2011 notice application form download forms dates eligibility criteria selection process procedure principal tutor jobs in HEC Vacancy vacancies posts Para Medical Staff Jobs in HEC Limited
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