Central University of Jharkhand, Ranchi
(A Central University established by an Act of Parliament of India in 2009)
Adv. No.CUJ/Advt/2011-12/06
Central University of Jharkhand invites applications from the eligible citizens of India for the following position to be filled by direct recruitment on regular basis:
Submission of Filled-in Applications:
(i) SC/ST/PH candidates need not pay Registration Fee.
(ii) Application form and related information are available on the University website: www.cuj.ac.in .
(iii) Last date of receiving completed Application Form is 20-05--2011 (up to 5.00 pm). Applications received after the last date or without complete information or without requisite fee may not be entertained. The University will not be responsible for any postal delay and no consideration will be made.
(iv) Filled-in Application Form along with application processing & registration fee of Rs. 300/- through crossed Demand Draft drawn in favour of “Central University of Jharkhand” on any nationalized bank payable at Ranchi and copies of other documents, certificates, etc., should be sent only by registered/ speed post to:
Central University of Jharkhand,
Ratu-Lohardaga Road, CTI Campus
Brambe, Ranchi-835205
Note- Candidates who are applying for the post of Librarian need to fill up API form with the Application form
(Separate Application form which is uploaded into University Website)
Details here:
Central University of Jharkhand or CUJ is an educational institution in Brambe (Ranchi), Jharkhand, India.
The President of India gave assent to The Central Universities Act, 2009 that envisages establishing and incorporating universities for teaching and research in the various states.
The Central University of Jharkhand came into being under this Act on 1st of March 2009. The Visitor of the Central University of Jharkhand, Her Excellency, Shrimati Pratibha Patil, appointed Dr. Darlando T. Khathing, an internationally renowned scientist and a distinguished academic administrator, as its first Vice Chancellor.
Tags: Central University of Jharkhand, Ranchi CUJ Recruitment 2011 notification 2011 notice application form download forms dates eligibility criteria selection process procedure date form download non-teaching jobs in CUJ NON TEACHING Vacancy in cuj vacancies posts non academci jobs in cuj various jobs in cuj
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