Gothapatna, Po. Malipada,
Bhubaneswar – 751003, India
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IIIT-BH offers M.Tech programme in Computer Science and Engineering
Candidates should possess either or more of the following qualifications:
• B.Tech/B.E from any recognized universities in any discipline
• M.C.A from any recognized university
• M.Sc.(Computer Science)/ M.Sc.(Electronics)/ M.Sc.(Mathematics)/ M.Sc (Statistics)/ M.Sc. (Physics)
• Any Equivalence of the above (Recognized by Govt. of India/ Govt. of Orissa)
How to Apply:
1. Visit the website to apply on line for the M.Tech. (Computer Science & Engineering) Programme. Please note that only on-line application is accepted. The draft has to be kept ready at the time of filling the online application form, since the draft number has to be entered in the application form.
• The draft/pay order of Rs.1000.00 (Rupees one thousand only) should be made favouring “IIIT Bhubaneswar” drawn by any scheduled bank payable at Bhubaneswar.
• Click on the link given in the website for admission.
• Enter Your name and e-mail id, so that an email will be sent to your e-mail id for enabling you to fill the form.
• Click on the link given in the e-mail sent by our system.
• Carefully fill in all the relevant fields of the blank application form which include the draft details.
• Submit the form by clicking the button "Submit". On successful submission, the next screen shall display the message Data saved. You will need the link sent to your e-mail id, as well as the e-mail id entered by you to subsequently log in to our system and perform any or more of the following:
Edit your application and resubmit if required.
Print your application by clicking on the print button.
• The e-mail sent by our system should be carefully preserved by you. You shall need it for subsequent steps.
• Keep on visiting our Website to view important announcements regarding the admission process.
2. You are required to send the following by speed post/hand delivery so as to reach IIIT Bhubaneswar latest by 30th April 2011.
• Printed copy of the application form submitted on line
• A recent passport size photograph, pasted on the application form.
• The draft/pay order of Rs.1000.00 (Rupees one thousand only).Please write your name and application id on the back of the draft.
3. You can verify the receipt of the draft by IIIT Bhubaneswar.
4. Your admit card will be sent to you through e-mail, once your draft has been received by IIIT Bhubaneswar. You are required to paste your photograph in the space provided in the admit card and bring the same for the entrance test. (You shall paste the copy of the same photograph already sent along with the copy of the on line application form).
Entrance test:
The entrance test shall be conducted in seven places*: Bangalore, Bhubaneswar, Chennai, Delhi, Hyderabad, Kolkata and Mumbai. The candidates are required to give at least 3 choices of the places for Entrance Test in order of preference. The entrance test will be held during the week (8th - 15th May 2011 ). The exact venue, date & time shall be sent to you by e-mail. The same information shall also be available to you in the website.
Candidates possessing valid GATE (CS/IT) score of more than 75 percentile are exempt from entrance test. However they will have to apply on-line and pay the application fee mentioned in the How to Apply section and appear for the interview. They may at their option appear for entrance test as well. In such case the score of the entrance test shall supersede the GATE score for the purpose of evaluation and the GATE score shall not be considered.
Based on the performance in the entrance test, the interview of the short-listed candidates will be conducted on the same day and may continue for the next day if necessary.
Final Selection:
The final selection shall be based on the candidates’ performance in the following:
• Performance in the Entrance Test/ GATE score (The absolute percentage of marks secured in the GATE shall be considered).
• Performance in the interview.
• Career Marks.
The selected candidates shall be informed by mail. The same information shall also be available to you in the website.
* The test shall be held in the above said centers subject to minimum number of candidates otherwise the students will be asked to appear the test in the nearest center.
Candidates, who are selected for admission based on the choice of programme exercised by them, must indicate their acceptance of the admission offer and all related conditions by paying the first installment of fees as detailed in the offer of admission, before the date mentioned therein. The classes are expected to begin by August 2011. At this time, the students will be given a manual of policies and regulations, which will be binding on them.
For details visit:
IIIT Bhubaneswar
The International Institute of Information Technology' (IIIT) Bhubaneswar is the 10th Institute of its kind conceived by the Government of India and some State Governments, that was established in the city of Bhubaneswar in Orissa in 2007 with the view to be a forerunner in the arena of Information Technology sector. It is partly funded by the government of Odisha, and partly self-financed. IIIT Bhubaneswar owes its origins to the initiative of the Government of Odisha. It is a result of the desire of the Government to establish a world class institute of Information Technology in the state. The Institute has been registered as a society in 2006. The Management of the institute is in the hands of a Governing Body, consisting of representatives from the Government of Odisha, Leaders from the IT industry and eminent educationists.
Tags: IIIT Bhubaneswar Admission M.Tech in Computer Science and Engineering course admission 2011 notification 2011 notice application form download forms dates eligibility criteria selection process procedure IIIT-BH MTech course mtech admission 2011 entrance exam entrance test examination dates forms
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