Delhi College of Engineering (DCE)
ME (Electronics & Communication Engineering)
ME (Computer Technology & Application)
M.E. (Polymer Technology)
ME (Environmental Engineering)
ME (Control & Instrumentation Engineering)
For admission to Full Time Course, Valid GATE score is essential, Details of eligibility of each course are uploaded on the and can also be had from the Reception Counter of the College.
How To Apply:
Separate application Form must be submitted for courses offered by each department. Leaflet details of the Programmes, admission proceedings and Application Forms can be obtained in person on submission of Pay Order or Crossed Demand Draft of Rs 500/- drawn in favour of the “Director, Delhi College of Engineering” Payable at Delhi From the Reception Counter Administrative, Block, Shahbad Daulat Pur, Main Bawana Road, Delhi- 110042
The request by post for the forms, accompanied by a Crossed Demand Draft of Rs 600/- (inclusive of Postal Charge) drawn in favour of "Director, Delhi College of Engineering" payable at Delhi, must reach the college latest by the dates specified below. Request for application form must indicate the applicant's name, address, the course for which admission is sought and three self addressed silp of size 10cmx5cm. Application form and leaflet can also be downloaded from the College and can be submitted to the College alongwith a draft of Rs. 500/-drawn in favour of "Director, Delhi College of Engineering" payable at Delhi.
Delhi College of Engineering (DCE)
University of Delhi
Bawana Road
New Delhi
For details visit:
Delhi Technological University (DTU), formerly known as Delhi College of Engineering was established in 1941 as Delhi Polytechnic, and was under the control of the government of India. The college has been under the government of the National Capital Territory of Delhi since 1963 and has been affiliated to the University of Delhi since 1952.
Vide Act 6 of 2009 Govt of NCT of Delhi has upgraded DCE to an independent university with the name Delhi Technological University.
Established as Delhi Polytechnic in 1941, the technical school was created to cater to the demands of Indian industries. At that time the Delhi Polytechnic offered courses in Arts, Architecture, Commerce, Engineering, Applied Science and Textiles. The National Diploma awarded by the Delhi Polytechnic was considered equivalent to B.E. Degree by the then UPSC.
Tags: Delhi Technological University (DTU) DEC Delhi College of Engineering admission 2011 notice notification 2011 application form download eligibility criteria selection procedure process me course me admission 2011 entrance exam entrance test admission test
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